somatic therapy for sensitive souls

Your body holds the keys         

to your deepest healing…          

Are you tired of talking about it? body-oriented therapy can help you recover from:

  • Sexual trauma

  • Early childhood neglect

  • Relationship abuse

  • Attachment wounding

  • Internet-related trauma and social shaming

  • Perfectionism & low self-esteem

  • Deep exhaustion from being unable to listen to what your body is trying to tell you.

the first step is a 20 minute phone call

“In somatic therapy, you learn to notice sensations, meaning, and emotions in your body without being overtaken by them. You stop repeating your automatic stress responses and make space for new — and much more life-expanding actions to emerge. ”

— Tanya Corrin

Tanya Corrin, Somatic Therapist

hi, I’m Tanya

Before I trained as a trauma therapist, I first had to make the healing journey myself. It started out pretty rocky…

You could say I was a yoga and meditation junkie. When my daughters were born, I was horrified to find that I was handing my trauma right down to them. I couldn’t stop it! I simply didn’t have multiple hours free every day anymore to meditate my problems away. And sometimes repeating the same old stories to my therapist made me feel even worse!

Then, 15 years ago, I ended up in a somatic therapist’s office. His name was Richard, and he was the first person to invite me to notice what was happening inside my body as I spoke. I soon started healing all kinds of trauma from early childhood to the overwhelming stress from an 8-year-long divorce process. Yup, 8 years. Not a typo. I knew I was healing because I was moving forward in my life instead of just repeating the same old agonizing patterns over and over again.

Now I’m in my advanced year of training at the Somatic Experiencing Institute and will be certified as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner this coming October. I’m in my 3d year of working with clients under supervision at the Somatic Experiencing Institute.

My favorite part of my work is watching my clients experience their own version of what happened to me: safety, connection, healing, and the ability to make more aligned choices based on who they really are.

“Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.”

Peter Levine, creator of the Somatic Experiencing (SE®) approach to healing trauma.

client testimonials

  • Tanya is a gifted and highly trained somatic therapist with a tremendous ability to hold space for you and your process. I work with Tanya on a weekly basis and am amazed at her capacity for healing, offering resourcing, and helping you tap into your own wisdom. I highly recommend that anybody experiencing high levels of post-traumatic stress work with her! In addition, anyone looking to know themselves more deeply would benefit from having some sessions with Tanya.

    Kanika Sethi, Psychodynamic Therapist & Somatic Practitioner

  • Tanya’s work moves slowly and gently, and she takes her time to get to know your nervous system and you as a person. She truly listens to you and explains the intention behind an exercise or technique. I could share anything on my mind with Tanya without fear of judgment. After working with Tanya, my emotions no longer overtake me. Rather, I can see when I'm getting activated, notice my experience, and be with the feelings. I appreciate Tanya so much!

    Tyla Taylor, High School Teacher

  • “I am a junkie for healing and I have done some of my most life-changing work with Tanya.”

    Tracy Gary, Health Coach

  • “I recommend working with Tanya Corrin with all of my heart. Merely being in her presence--whether remotely or in-person--is deeply calming and grounding, but her instinct for knowing what YOU, and only YOU need in order to become your most inspired and empowered self is what will make her your secret weapon. Tanya is a healer through and through; she is also a creative force herself, which makes her an extra-special guide for writers and artists.”

    Genevieve Field, Writing Coach, Ghostwriter, Editor

  • "Working with Tanya was a crucial next step for me in terms of being able to connect with my authentic self."

    Sheree Carara, Traditional Naturopath

  • “While working with Tanya I was invited to slow waaayy down. In doing so, I was able to connect with my innate sexual self, the one free of influence by our culture’s expectations.”

    Courtney Alexander, Somatic Healing Facilitator

  • “Tanya has an energy and presence that immediately allowed me to feel held. And seen. And heard. Deeply. I felt this new permission to allow myself to receive. I mean really receive.”

    Tara Gibson, Physical Therapist and Pelvic Wellness Expert

Somatic Therapy doesn’t make life better — or even easier. but it can give you more capacity for navigating life’s challenges in a way that feels right to you. and it can help you to live more fully.